Delaware state legislators send doctor-assisted suicide bill to governor

The Delaware Senate passed a bill Tuesday that will allow doctor-assisted suicide for terminal patients who opt for it, potentially making Delaware the 11th state to approve such a measure if Gov. John Carney (D-DE) signs it.

The bill had been hotly debated in the 21-member chamber, with some Democrats objecting to the bill, which passed by an 11-10 margin. Its co-sponsor, Democratic state Sen. Kyra Hoffner, voted in favor of it after declining to vote on it last week.

“I’m sorry that I did not vote Thursday like I wanted to,” Hoffner said Tuesday, adding that she had time to reflect over the weekend and talk to both supporters and opponents of the bill. “It has been a very emotional weekend for me.”

Republicans formed the strongest opposition to the bill in the Democratic-led chamber.

State Senate Minority Whip Brian Pettyjohn said assisted suicide suggests that “some…

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