Debate Tonight: Does Trump or Biden Have the Most to Lose?

To understand the stakes of tonight’s first-ever, earliest-ever debate between a sitting president and a former commander-in-chief, you need to review just how much things have changed since the last time Donald Trump and Joe Biden went head-to-head on the debate stage almost four years ago. It would be fair to say the political landscape has turned upside down since that last confrontation between the two and the explosively controversial election of 2020 tainted by the pandemic, riots, and radical changes to voting laws across the land.

On January 20, 2021, the day Donald Trump departed Washington and Joe Biden took the oath of office, almost nobody would – or could – have possibly predicted the reversal of fortune that would ensue for both men. In the wake of his outspoken challenges to the outcome of the election and the Capitol riot,…

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