DC Think Tanks Calculate: Kamala Would Add 12 Million Migrants

It’s not hard to understand why the Swamp supports importing vast numbers of migrants into the US. Washington, DC, is a company town. Its industry runs on the constant flow of taxpayer revenue into federal coffers. The various politicians, contractors, think tanks, and career bureaucrats inhabiting the DC ecosphere see an endless expansion of the taxpayer base as vital to preserving the bounteous stream. Immigration, whether legal or illegal, is considered an unalloyed boon to that growth.

In a recent speech, independent commentator Tucker Carlson drove the matter home via a slightly different context. Carlson discussed how the Democratic Party has transformed into the party of the rich, but his words equally apply to the federal leviathan as a whole.

“The point is that [an] entire, not just political party, but class of people has created an entire…

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