DAVID BLACKMON: Tesla Could Be On The Brink Of ‘Blackberry Moment’


Analysts at the investor advisory site Seeking Alpha published a piece on Tuesday in which they claim that Tesla could be facing what they call a “Blackberry moment” caused by a combination of political and market factors.

This article and the ongoing negative impacts on Tesla’s business fortunes are signs of just how much Elon Musk is sacrificing as he heads up the DOGE operation for the Trump administration. (RELATED: DAVID BLACKMON: Al Gore Finally Says Truth Out Loud About Climate Change)

The “Blackberry moment” analogy refers to the Blackberry communications device which dominated the personal handheld market for a decade until 2007, when Apple introduced the first iPhone. Blackberry, having failed to properly assess the market and to innovate to take advantage of evolving technologies, suffered an immediate, rapid decline from that moment forward.

I’ve been a…

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