Dana Holgorsen, Houston football and a decades-long vision coming to fruition


HOUSTON — Here’s a theory on Houston coach Dana Holgorsen: He’s so disinterested in the approval of his peers, his fans — pretty much anyone — that his lack of ego actually affords him the opportunity to do things few other coaches would dare try.

Houston AD Chris Pezman considers this for a moment and then laughs.

“Well, you can start with his hair,” he said.

If you know nothing else of Holgorsen, you know the hair. It’s like a mullet. There’s a genuine party in the back, and when Holgorsen is talking, he has a habit of running his fingers through those long, tightly curled locks. But the business in the front — well, that business has laid off the bulk of its staff. As a result, when Holgorsen gets animated on the sideline during a game, the rogue wisps still covering the top fly in every direction, and the result is something like a hairstyle created by Jackson Pollock. It’s a…

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