Crime Doesn’t Pay, But Certainly Is Expensive


Progressive lawmakers see the error of their ways.

Crime doesn’t pay, but it certainly costs cities, states, and residents. In Oregon, for example, just one murder costs $9.1 million, “with $5.15 million coming from quality-of-life losses,” The Center Square reported. As violent crimes continue to rise, so do the prices for handling them.

Everyone Suffers the Cost of Crime

Economically, crime impacted the Beaver State by an estimated $14.9 billion in 2023, according to a report by the Common Sense Institute (CSI). “That is a cost of $3,509 per Oregon resident.” Violent incidents were the most expensive at $9.6 billion, about 64.7% of the state’s financial burden. These types of offenses rose by 24.3% from 2020 to 2023.

“[M]urders result in $1.8 million in future earnings and household contributions of the victim…

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