Congress May Soon Boost Social Security – But Only for Govt Workers


Every lawmaker would love to be able to say they gave Social Security (SS) recipients a raise come re-election time. But what about when the bill comes due? The Social Security Fairness Act passed the House easily with bipartisan support, and it seems poised to do the same in the Senate sometime in the next week or so. But some legislators worry about the cost down the road. Neither side, however, seem concerned about the fairness of the bill itself. Perhaps it shouldn’t be surprising that government employees paid by tax dollars don’t see a problem with a bill that only gives a raise to government employees.

Social Security and the Government Pension Offset

The Government Pension Offset (GPO) was created by Congress in 1977. It was amended in 1983, and the Windfall Elimination Program (WEP) was added. Under this set of rules – which has been the…

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