Communist Party Talent Program Scooped Up Former Microsoft Researchers. Now They Work In China’s AI Industry

A Chinese Communist Party (CCP) talent recruitment program scooped up former Microsoft researchers, including some who now work in China’s artificial intelligence (AI) industry, a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation found.

The “Thousand Talents Program” is the largest Chinese talent recruitment plan, aiming to poach U.S.-educated scientists and engineers for the benefit of the CCP. U.S. national security agencies have sounded the alarm over the program, saying it’s being used to steal intellectual property and technology to advance China’s military and economic goals.

Reviewing Chinese-language news reports, the DCNF was able to identify six former Microsoft researchers who were recruited by the CCP’s Thousand Talents Plan and currently work at China-based companies and universities. Five of those six individuals currently work in China’s AI industrial complex,…

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