Comedian Adam Carolla Is Ditching His Native California, Calls Out ‘Narcissistic, Empty’ Gavin Newsom | The Gateway Pundit

Comedian Adam Carolla says he will be leaving California just has soon as his twin teenagers graduate from high school.

Further, the former “Man Show” star said a large part of the problem with his native state is its current governor, “narcissistic” Democrat Gavin Newsom.

“I have twins, and they’re in their senior year of high school and I couldn’t — I didn’t want to pick up and, you know, tear up their roots, you know? So people always go, ‘When are you leaving?’ And I go, ‘I will be attending their high school graduation in a U-Haul,’” Carolla told conservative podcast host Sage Steele during an interview published last week.

He added that he doesn’t even know where he’ll move to, suggesting maybe Texas, Florida, one of the Carolinas, or Tennessee. “There are like 15 places,” Carolla said.

“And that’s sad because I don’t even have a place…

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