CNN’s Van Jones Says ‘Game Over’ if Biden Messes Up at Debate

CNN commentator Van Jones said Thursday on CNN’s “Newsroom” that next week’s debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump is “the entire election.”

Jones said, “Biden’s got two things working against him. One is the momentum is not there with them, but also he’s got a full-time job. All Trump’s got to do is set up in court, not fall asleep, and then go out there and say mean stuff about about Biden. When you have a full-time job as demanding as a presidency.”

Host Jim Acosta said, “How big of a moment is this for the president? I talked to folks in the Biden world, the Democratic Party, and they say this is a hugely important moment for the president.”

Jones said, “This is the entire election as far as I’m concerned. The entire world will be watching. If you are a carbon-based life form, you’re going to be watching. If…

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