CNN’s Debate Moderators Exposed—Here’s Their Dirty Secret and How Trump Will Beat Them – Def-Con News

Steering through media bias is like navigating a stormy sea: you never know when the next wave of misinformation will hit.

Since Trump descended the escalator in 2015, he has faced relentless media attacks.

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Republican candidates have been consistently treated unfairly, but they have taken it to a whole new level with The Donald.

Trump has always been in the media’s crosshairs, and the upcoming debate this Thursday night will be no different. CNN’s decision to have Jake Tapper and Dana Bash co-host the debates has raised many alarm bells. Both of them have a stunning history of showing open bias against Trump.

Every step of Trump’s journey has been scrutinized and twisted by liberal journalists. But Tapper and Bash could go too far by affecting the outcome of the 2024 election.

The selection of these two no…

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