CNN’s Acosta Cuts Off Heated Interview with Pro-Life Activist

CNN host Jim Acosta abruptly ended an interview with a pro-life activist Kristan Hawkins on Thursday’s “News Central” while discussing the abortion drug Mifepristone.

Partial transcript as follows:

ACOSTA: What’s your reaction to this decision?

HAWKINS: Sure. Well, I think President Trump and the GOP needs to take note. The Biden administration continues to make the case to weaponize federal agencies to make abortion a federal issue. But we also see a silver lining in this decision today. If Idaho, while this is tragic, saying Idaho must allow for abortions to prevent infertility, future infertility, the FDA must now change its policy too to do the same. Given their no-test online distribution scheme of chemical abortion pills, which we know harm women’s future fertility, as 15 percent of women of our population are RH negative, and there is no testing now because of…

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