CNN cites SHARIA LAW as defense in $1 billion defamation suit –

In its legal defense for a $1 billion defamation lawsuit, fake news giant CNN is arguing that it did not defame plaintiff and Navy veteran Zachary Young by accusing him of criminal activity for rescuing women and children out of Afghanistan because what Young did is technically illegal under Taliban law, also known as Sharia law.

As we approach the three-year anniversary of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, CNN is taking the side of radical Islam by siding with the Taliban rule under which the women and children that Young reportedly rescued were being held captive.

Young worked “to have women smuggled out of Afghanistan,” CNN said in its opening statements. And “discovery has indicated that those activities he orchestrated and funded, which involved moving women out of Afghanistan, almost certainly were illegal under Taliban rule.”

Deanna K. Shullman, CNN‘s lead counsel,…

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