CNN Analyst Says Kamala Harris Has Appeal In ‘Black Street Community’

CNN analyst John King said Thursday evening Vice President Kamala Harris is a strong asset for the Biden campaign in the “black street community” despite other weaknesses she may possess.

During a recap of the 2024 presidential debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, King responded to an interview between CNN’s Anderson Cooper and Harris. He noted that while Harris has a number of issues, one of her assets to the Biden campaign is her “potential star power” within key Democratic voting blocs. (RELATED: Panicked Dems Scramble For Biden Replacement After ‘Disaster’ Debate Performance)

“Joe Biden was vice president for eight years. If there‘s anyone who should have understood how hard it is to be vice president, how hard it is to establish an identity as vice president — it‘s him. Again, she‘s churned through staff. She has issues….

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