Claire Danes Says Jared Leto Was ‘Fraternal’ to Her on ‘My So-Called Life’ (Exclusive)


Claire Danes and Jared Leto may have shared some romantic onscreen moments on My So-Called Life, but behind the scenes, Leto was more of an older brother figure to the gifted actress.

During a recent interview to discuss the show’s 30th anniversary, Danes, 45, shared her experience as a young teen filming several tender moments with Leto for episode 12, entitled “Self Esteem.” In the episode, Angela (Danes) should be studying geometry, but instead, she meets Jordan Catalano (Leto) in secret in Liberty High School’s boiler room. They kiss in the darkness, entwine hands and compliment each other.

“There was a screen direction that said, ‘Angela kisses Jordan’s face,’” she tells PEOPLE, adding, “I was very confused. I was like, what? Why? I could visualize mouth-on-mouth kissing.”

She adds, “Poor Jared had to educate me. And so that was, I guess, a little awkward,…

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