Christian Leaders in Syria Ask World for Support as Islamist Regime Takes Hold


Syriac Orthodox Patriarch Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II told the International Religious Freedom Summit in Washington, DC, last week that Christians remain apprehensive about the new jihadi regime in Damascus, but they hope to play a “vital and pivotal role” in rebuilding their homeland.

Much of the patriarch’s presentation was taken from a joint statement released in late December by the patriarchs and church leaders of Syria. The statement called on Christians, and the many other religions and sects of Syria, to work together on rebuilding after the long and brutal Syrian civil war.

“We recognize that our spiritual, moral, and national responsibility compels us to always raise the voice of truth, defend human dignity under all circumstances, and strongly strive to support the path of democracy, freedom, independence, and peace, which ensures the rights and dignity of…

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