China Box Office: ‘Battle at Lake Changjin II’ Winning Lunar New Year


The Battle at Lake Changjin II” passed the $200 million landmark at the China box office at midday local time on Thursday, the film’s third day of release.

Data from Alibaba’s Beacon data tracking service showed the film lying comfortably on top of the mainland Chinese box office chart with RMB166 million (26.1 million) earned on the third morning of the Lunar New Year holidays. That gave the film a running cumulative of RMB1.271 billion or fractionally more than $200 million, using an exchange rate where one US dollar is worth 6.35 Chinese Yuan (or Renminbi).

The data from Beacon tallies with that of China Box Office’s Ent Group, which showed “Lake Changjin II” earning $100.1 million on its Tuesday opening day, followed by $84.5 million on Wednesday, for an adjusted two-day cumulative of $185 million.

In terms of market share, Beacon reports that “Lake…

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