Child Labor Horror Stories Proliferate


The cruelty of illegal immigration in America today manifests itself in the alarming rise in hazardous child labor within this nation’s interior. What price does the federal government put on a young life callously snuffed out by a highly profitable corporation that allowed him to be put at grave on-the-job risk? Less than 0.1% of annual company revenues.

“A Mississippi slaughterhouse that supplies chicken to Chick-fil-A is directly to blame for the death of a 16-year-old worker who was sucked into equipment in July and killed within minutes, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration said” on Jan. 16, NBC News reported. “Duvan Pérez was cleaning the deboning area of the Hattiesburg plant when his hand got caught and his body was pulled into the machinery,” the network related.

‘He Might Have Looked 18’

(Photo By Michael Macor/The San Francisco Chronicle via…

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