Charlie Crist’s Running Mate Insults Students with Special Needs

Karla Hernández-Mas, Rep. Charlie Crist’s (D-FL) running mate in Florida’s gubernatorial race, recently insulted students with special needs, asserting that her experience as a special ed teacher will assist her in dealing with the “dysfunctional legislature” if she gets elected.

Hernández-Mats made the remark on Tuesday during a campaign event in Cape Coral, boasting of her experience as a special ed teacher before making the unseemly comparison.

“I’m a teacher. I am a sp-ed teacher, so my major was emotionally-handicapped education, okay?” she said. “That by itself qualifies me to deal with the dysfunctional legislature.”

“[It’s] a unique set of, uh, you know, skill set in order to deal with them,” she continued, prompting a response from Florida’s first lady Casey DeSantis.

“Sickened by callous words from someone who claims to be an advocate…

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