CEO Bob Iger Claims Disney Will Stop the Propaganda – Don’t Believe Him


Embattled and disgraced Disney CEO Bob Iger is promising Disney will stop with the propaganda killing his movies.

He’s lying.

“Entertain first, not messages,” Iger said Wednesday at some foo-foo conference called the New York Times’ DealBook Summit. He added that “positive messages for the world” are great but shouldn’t be forced on the public or used as the story’s primary focus.

While I appreciate his validating what normal people have been saying for years — Get woke, go broke — only a fool believes him.

I’m telling you, he’s lying. Good grief, he lied during this foo foo event with the not-so-veiled suggestion that his predecessor (and successor), former CEO Bob Chapek, is responsible for Disney’s open embrace of left-wing propaganda, up to and including the obscene crusade to use animated movies to groom and “queer” little kids.


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