Canada’s Conservative Leader Flips to Oppose Justin Trudeau’s Migration

The likely next prime minister of Canada has suddenly flipped his pro-migration platform and is now promising to deeply cut Justin Trudeau’s migration flood.

“It’s going to be much lower, especially for temporary immigration,” said Pierre Poilievre, head of the pro-migration Progressive Conservative Party of Canada. He continued:

It’s impossible to invite 1.2 million new people to Canada every year [as Trudeau has done]. When you’re building 200,000 housing units, it’s impossible. There’s no room.

Poilievre declined to give a target number for more migrants. Instead, he said that immigration should be tied to the rate of home building and job creation.

The sudden shift comes after Canadians have rejected the mass migration policies imposed by Trudeau. Those investor-backed open-door policies have demoralized young Canadians, slashed wages, reduced

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