There’s a very important message embedded in this brand new, fresh-off-the-chopping-block version of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and it’s one that should be carved crudely in stone with whatever sharp instrument you have on hand, mechanized or otherwise. It’s not that hipsters should ixnay gentrifying ghost towns in the dustier corners of the Lone Star state, even if one of them is a celebrity chef and their idea of revitalizing a long-abandoned main street with a hoity-toity bistro will attract tourists. It’s not that you should hold off offending the redneck you meet in a gas station even if you think his big ol’ pickup truck is a form of overcompensation, as he may end up being an ally to you later on. It’s not that you should always make sure you have your facts straight when you’re kicking an old lady out of the orphanage she’s run for decades, as she may have never…