Broncos Fan Gloriously Holds On To His Beer While Getting His Dome Rocked Repeatedly In Absolutely Impressive Display

Who cares about losing a fight when you have this kind of beer control?

During a preseason game Sunday, a Denver Broncos fan got his dome absolutely rocked during a fight that popped off, and repeatedly at that. And while idiots will be idiots, the real takeaway from this video was the fact that the Broncos fan held on to his beer the entire time while getting his head blasted. Just wait until you see the video, it was incredible.

Denver was squaring off against the Arizona Cardinals, with the Broncs getting the 38-12 victory. (RELATED: Fight Erupts Between 49ers, Raiders Fans That Leaves One Bloodied After Being Beaten And Pinned Down By Chair)

Things got sparked up when a Denver fan, holding a Coors Light tall boy, began yappin’ with another fan. While the chirpin’ was going on, the beer-drinking fan took a lunge at his op, but the fake out attempt failed. Instead, the Broncos…

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