Britain Votes! Polling Stations Open as Voters Choose Next MPs

Votes are now being cast to select the members of the next House of Commons, the British legislating chamber which will determine the next government and next Prime Minister.

Polling stations opened at 0700 (0200 EST) this morning and will close at 2200 (1700 EST) Thursday evening. Pollster Ipsos has interviewers at stations across the country asking members of the public to voluntarily reveal how they voted as they leave. Based on this data, the pollster is able to produce a relatively clear picture of how the country has voted that is published immediately after polls close.

This has been accurate in the past, and has been produced for every General Election since 1997. But while it gives a picture of the overall national swing, the seat-specific answers and knowing which parties have taken where will only emerge through the early hours of Friday morning as counts are…

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