Bowman’s defeat is a rebuke of the Left’s radicalism

Maybe “Squad” Rep. Jamaal Bowman’s (D-NY) defeat in Tuesday’s primaries signals the high-water mark for the antisemitic protests that have so bedeviled America since the Oct. 7 attack on Israel. The New York congressman had constantly amplified the insane rhetoric that supports fanatics and blames their victims. And he lost — by a lot.

Does his defeat mean the fever is breaking?

Polls show that the public supports Israel and rejects Hamas. According to Pew Research, almost 60% say Israel has a valid reason to fight the terrorist group. Only 22% think Hamas has valid reasons, and only 5% support its terrorist attack on Oct. 7. 

As for the protests, half of people think they’re wrong, while 28% support them.

Imagine, then, how much more lopsided these numbers would be if they knew the information in a special report that Mary Mobley and I published at the Heritage…

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