Bondi vows to stop ‘deliberate persecution’ of anti-abortion protesters


Attorney general nominee Pam Bondi made a string of promises to Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) on Wednesday after the senator zeroed in on the Biden administration‘s aggressive use of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act to prosecute anti-abortion advocates.

Hawley pointed to the Biden administration’s record-high number of FACE Act prosecutions and the lopsided nature of them as he questioned Bondi during her confirmation hearing.

The Department of Justice under President Joe Biden has prosecuted dozens of defendants accused of attacking, vandalizing, or blocking entrances to abortion facilities. Meanwhile, the DOJ has brought about two cases against those who have attacked pregnancy counseling centers or churches, which are also protected under the FACE Act. Hawley noted there had been hundreds of unaddressed attacks on the latter types of facilities.


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