In the month I’ve been testing the Bluetran Lightning, I’ve had to charge it only once. Once. That was after about 40 miles’ worth of trips (at various sub–30-mph speeds). This electric kick scooter never failed going up steep hills, its hydraulic brakes are fantastic, and its suspension feels like a magic carpet ride. It’s a whole new world.
Well, sort of. The only other escooter I’ve tried that can match this performance is the MiniMotors Dualtron Victor. Fun fact: Bluetran is a new subbrand from MiniMotors, so they’re effectively made by the same company. They feel very much the same, and both start at the ungodly price of $2,699. I tried the priciest version ($3,099), which has an LG battery that packs a larger capacity for extended range.
Lightning Speed
Anytime I rave about an electric scooter’s awesome power and range, I immediately have to qualify my…