Bird Flu Infects Dairy Cows and Laying Hens


Food prices, disease, and globalist control on the rise in tandem.

Headlines proclaiming that bird flu in cows has impacted the milk supply – and that cows are then spreading the disease to laying hens – are a disturbing contribution to the cacophony of looming doomsday threats to humanity. Americans already spooked by the government takeover of speech, travel, assembly, and bodily autonomy during the COVID-19 pandemic are understandably unnerved by new zoonotic threats. The “real science” suggests risks to human health are minimal; the “real propaganda” seeks to foment fear to advance ideological goals more dystopian than the bird-cow-chicken virus.

Bird Flu in Cows and Eggs

Federal officials are monitoring milk-producing cows after the USDA determined that the bird flu (officially the H5N1 virus) is spreading…

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