Bill Maher grills Gavin Newsom over ‘too much government’ in California


Talk show host Bill Maher questioned Gov. Gavin Newsom‘s (D-CA) reasoning behind heavy-handed legislation across California.

Maher spent a segment of his Friday episode of Real Time with Bill Maher interviewing Newsom, where he asked a question about a recent amendment to the state’s Unruh Civil Rights Act that went into effect this year. The amendment, drafted in 2021 and subsequently signed by Newsom, requires toy stores to establish a gender-neutral toy aisle.

“Do you think that’s silly? Do you think that’s a silly thing?” Maher asked about the legislation. “Too much government there?”

Newsom defended the legislation by saying the legislature had support from department stores as they were “already moving in that direction.”

“But I understand how that’s exploited, and good people can disagree,…

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