Biden’s Gaza pier meets a pathetic end

The Gaza aid pier that President Joe Biden schemed up was always a ridiculous idea. It appears to now be reaching its predictable, pathetic conclusion.

U.S. officials are considering not reinstalling the pier after removing it to protect it from the weather. After at least $320 million in taxpayer dollars being lit on fire, the pier is going to have been in use for a shorter period of time than it took to build it, having been taken down by the weather and the natural movement of water, which is normally not a great sign for a pier.

Did the pier at least help get aid to Palestinian civilians? Probably not. The Pentagon admitted last month that it wasn’t likely any of the aid being funneled into Gaza through the pier had reached civilians at all. That aid most likely went right into the stockpiles of Hamas terrorists, meaning Biden wasted $320 million in taxpayer dollars to help…

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