Biden’s DOJ is targeting gender ‘medicine’ naysayers

The Justice Department’s prosecution of a doctor in Texas for simply exposing that a hospital was secretly performing transgender surgeries on minors and giving them hormone treatments after promising to stop shows again that the federal bureaucracy will use all its might to enforce President Joe Biden’s extreme sexual agenda.

Last week, U.S. marshals showed up at the home of surgeon Eithan Haim, 33, and ordered him to appear in court to face four felony charges of violating the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, which bars disclosure of protected health information.

According to Dr. Haim and his lawyers, and journalist Chris Rufo, with whom Haim shared the information in May 2023, no personal information was included in the documents in question.

“For my own part, I can confirm that nothing in the information provided to me identified any individual; all the…

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