Biden’s Debate ‘Looked Much Worse than a Bad Night’, I Want Reassurance He Can Be President

On Tuesday’s edition of NBC’s “MTP Now,” Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA) stated that President Joe Biden’s debate performance was “not normal, and it looked much worse than a bad night.” And that he wants a plan for “Joe Biden to be Joe Biden, get out there and show what he did in North Carolina, show what he did in the press conference on the Supreme Court” and “I do want to be reassured that Joe Biden is capable of doing the job, wants to do the job, and that he can reassure the public [of] both of those things.”

Connolly said, “Well, all of us saw what we saw last week in the debate. It’s not normal, and it looked much worse than a bad night. And if we’re going to clarify that, that it most certainly was that and only that, then you’ve got to do two things: Well, we start with a family therapy session, and that has not happened. We need the White…

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