Biden Tries to Spin His Poor Debate Performance During Stop in NC, but Incoherence and Screaming Continue – RedState

I think if I were Joe Biden, or Jill Biden, for that matter, after that disastrous debate, I would be taking the time now to reevaluate my priorities and consider pulling him out of the race. 

But that would require concern for Joe and the country, and it doesn’t look like Jill cares about any of that. Instead, they’re still throwing him out there as though he hadn’t imploded in front of everyone. They had him doing an event in North Carolina on Friday. 

Here, Jill is saying how much she loves him. 

Lady, look at the man behind you. Have you really looked? Do you give a darn about him at all? 

Biden and his team tried to spin his debate performance. Even though right after the…

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