Biden on the Verbal Path of Destruction – ‘Not a Joke’


Editor’s Note: From the Back Forty is Liberty Nation’s longest running and most popular weekly column. 

Joe Biden took a big “pause” this week, demonstrating that he could follow scripted remarks and not toss in any cannibal chat or defeat Corn Pop on the gang leader’s turf. He did, however, tick off and embarrass the Gray Lady by turning down an interview with the elitist East Coast outlet and, instead, sharing his secrets with Howard Stern, bragging shamelessly of feats he never achieved. “This is not a joke,” as the president often says when telling a whopper. To top the week off in wild and crazy political theater, Michael Avenatti, the slick-suited former lawyer for Stormy Daniels, claims Trump is being railroaded.

With a few short months left in the big rematch, heartlanders cannot understand why they’ve woken up in Bizzaro…

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