Biden Judge Claims Military Can Discriminate Against Soldiers Who Refuse the Vaccine, Not Soldiers Who Believe They Are Women – Def-Con News


Clinton judges were bad, Obama judges were worse, and Biden judges are unhinged shrieking activists who do not understand the law or worse, they are compromised by being paid to make terrible decisions.

This from

Meet Judge Ana Reyes who was put in charge of deciding whether the Pentagon can remove servicemembers with mental problems that cause them to believe they’re women.

Judge Reyes said the government “egregiously misquoted” and “cherry picked” scientific studies to incorrectly assert that transgender soldiers decrease the readiness and lethality of the military.

There is no reality in which having mentally ill and delusional people in a military organization does not decrease military readiness.

She also repeatedly suggested that the policy unfairly targets a class of people that the Trump administration…

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