Biden in Full-On Denial, ‘Certain’ to Stay in the Race

Joe Biden hasn’t budged an inch. But neither has the growing chorus of alarm everywhere on the left outside of the DC beltway. It has been said that those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it, and there is nothing new under the sun. But even if you believe, as Henry Ford famously did, that history is “bunk,” some parallels are inescapable over the march of time. And the Biden administration, facing a metaphysical crisis of its own making, would be advised to consider what happened almost six decades ago when his party put forward a candidate who was thoroughly unelectable.

In 1972, Democrats opened up their nomination process after the riot-torn Democratic convention in Chicago four years earlier when Hubert Humphrey, who had not even competed in primaries, was chosen as the nominee in the party’s proverbial smoke-filled…

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