Biden-Harris Admin. Warns of ‘Inescapable Death Spiral’ of Climate Change on NASA’s Webpage for Kids – RedState

Throughout history, regimes intent on indoctrinating their respective populations quickly learned that the younger their “targets,” the easier they are to program. Hitler Youth comes to mind, although I’d never compare the Biden-Harris administration to the Nazi dictator, of course, even while, as we all know, the Democrats have zero problem comparing Donald Trump to Hitler, which they do quite frequently.

Anyway, as part of the administration’s ongoing effort to scare America into believing the “existential threat to mankind” nonsense caused by anthropogenic (man-caused) climate change, NASA’s “Climate Kids” webpage, which offers fun environment-related educational activities, films, and video games for children in kindergarten, is now also warning the kiddos that the world is undergoing cataclysmic warming, sea levels are rising, global ice is diminishing, and…

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