Biden brings the gender war to work


President Joe Biden’s appointees continue to push the radicalism that keeps his approval ratings at record lows. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has done it again with new rules to force speech of a specific type when people are at work.

The EEOC’s job is to apply federal law written by Congress pertaining to the workplace. Congress has written no new law about gender identity in the workplace. The EEOC also applies court decisions, but it has no mandate to go beyond the courts, dictating sweeping “rights” expansions supposedly found in legal decisions.

In new rules published April 29, the EEOC went beyond the dictates of Congress and courts on the matter of people who claim to be of a gender other than their biological sex. The order is arguably antithetical to other legislative and judicial decrees.

It says an employer who repeatedly uses a “name or pronoun…

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