Biden Admin Outsourcing Energy Policies To Unelected Blue State Bureaucrats

The Biden administration effectively allows energy policy decisions with wide ramifications to be made by unelected bureaucrats in California.

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) has key outstanding requests with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to enact certain environmental regulations that go above and beyond federal rules, and the EPA has granted CARB waiver requests over the course of President Joe Biden’s first term. Over time, these waivers and the policy outcomes they facilitate will allow CARB to alter the economies of other states, including those that do not wish to be impacted by CARB’s rules and have no influence over the agency, according to policy experts who spoke with the Daily Caller News Foundation.

“EPA-granted waivers enable CARB to effectively dictate motor vehicle, trucking, and rail transport policies for the rest of the country,” Marlo…

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