Biden Adm. Program Pays Kids to Become LGBTQ Activists, and As a Bonus, Turns Them Into Science Projects – RedState


The second most popular phrase these days, besides “Merry Christmas,” seems to be “January 20 can’t come soon enough.” As the 2024 election showed us, Americans are just plain sick and tired of Biden-Harris liberal policies. They soundly rejected things like woke and transgender ideology being shoved down their throats. But soon, the incoming Trump administration will see to it that all of those insane woke policies, including one that is one of the most outrageous, will definitely be going away.

So, what kid wouldn’t be on board with being paid to skip school? Not many. Well, the juvenile delinquents running the Biden administration understand that and came up with this: The Biden administration, through the National Institute for Health (NIH), funded a program to the tune of $2.5 million. Around one dozen schools recruited students to participate in a 10-week long “intervention”…

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