What is the best internet provider in Portland, Maine?
Spectrum is CNET’s top choice for the best overall internet provider in Portland. We recommend it as the go-to ISP in town because it offers gigabit speeds, reliable service and is available to 88% of Portland residents. Plans start at $30 and go up to $70 for the gig plan. For Portland residents who need a little more speed, Fidium Fiber is a good option, offering multi-gigabit plans.
If you’re looking for the lowest prices or fastest speeds, Fidium Fiber is also the best option. On the cheaper end, it offers a 100 megabits per second plan for $25 monthly and if you need speed, it has a 2-gigabit (2,000Mbps) tier, too.
Best internet in Portland, Maine
Portland, Maine, internet providers compared
Provider | Internet technology | Monthly price range | Speed range | Monthly equipment costs | Data cap | Contract | CNET review score |
Fidium Fiber |