Best Anthony Hopkins Movies and Performances, Ranked


Some celebrities are rich with fame and fortune, while others are flooded with passion and legacy. Anthony Hopkins is in the latter group.

I was a 7-year-old whose family didn’t pay attention to the MPAA ratings when I first watched the psychological horror film “The Silence of the Lambs” (1991). In the Jonathan Demme classic, Hopkins portrays menacing serial killer Dr. Hannibal Lecter, who helps young FBI trainee Clarice Starling (Jodie Foster) hunt another killer.

Despite my young age, I don’t remember feeling scared of Hopkins’ wicked turn. Did I recognize that he wasn’t a “good guy”? Yes. However, his smooth and calm line deliveries were hypnotic, entrancing me into his world of cannibalistic dread without creating a caricature of the character.

A critically lauded performer whose career has spanned over 60 years, Hopkins has…

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