Baptists and Bootleggers: Petrostates love American environmentalism


Back in the Obama era, Matt Damon starred in and kind of directed an anti-fracking movie called Promised Land. This movie was funded in part by the government of Abu Dhabi, one of the United Arab Emirates.

Abu Dhabi’s government is one of the leading producers of oil and gas.

This makes perfect sense. A leading producer of oil and gas would definitely support efforts to restrict U.S. production of oil and gas.

Regulation is often an effort by incumbent businesses to crush newer competitors. Twelve years ago, the big petrostates saw fracking as a real threat.

“The unconventional oil revolution being witnessed in North America could have dire consequences for the region,” reported MEED, a journal covering the business of the Middle East.

“The fall-out from cheaper oil shale production would mean that for some oil economies staring down the barrel of lower-yield oil fields…

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