Autopsy for the Left: How Did the Election Go So Wrong?


It’s been said that the first task in extracting yourself from a hole of your own making is to stop digging. Only then can the lengthy process of repair and recovery begin. In the wake of their stinging repudiation on Nov. 5, have Democrats and the hard left been willing to face the blaring music that reached full volume on Election Day, or are they making the cavernous hole they dug for themselves deeper and wider?

As they enter the inevitable “five stages of grief” over Republicans winning the whole kit and caboodle – namely control of the White House, Senate, and House – on top of the prevailing conservative majority on the Supreme Court, most on the left appear stuck between the first two stages: denial and anger. They largely took care of the first stage in the run-up to Election Day, pre-staging their denial with all manner of forecasts…

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