AT&T Admits Cybercriminals Stole Phone Records of ‘Nearly All’ Customers


Telecommunications giant AT&T says cybercriminals have stolen phone records belonging to “nearly all” of its customers. The compromised data includes millions of phone numbers, calling and text records, and information revealing its customers’ locations.

AT&T said it will begin contacting around 110 million of its customers to notify them of a data breach that resulted in cybercriminals obtaining their phone records, a company spokesperson told TechCrunch on Friday.

The spokesperson added that AT&T customer records were stolen from the cloud data giant Snowflake, which reportedly blamed recent data thefts on its customers for not using multi-factor authentication to secure their accounts.

AT&T also announced “unlawful access of customer data” on its website.

“Our investigation found that the downloaded data included phone call and text message records of…

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