Asshole of the Day – Mike Johnson


You knew this was coming, the minute this asshole was elected speaker. It was just a matter of time until he showed his true colors. What pushed this over the top for me was when he broke the tie on the Biggs Amendment on HR 7888. This amendment would have required the intelligence agencies to get a warrant to spy on American citizens. They must be real lazy SOBs because the FISA count rubber stamps everything that goes in front of it. Lets just skip the 4th Amendment and send every Patriot to the Gulag. Mike is our main problem now, he is a true swamp creature and must be voted out of the speakership. Republicans, if you get a chance to vote for another speaker read my Tango 125 RINO List, anybody on it will do the same shit. Boys, I paraphrase here the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Republicans get…

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