Asshole of the Day – Mike Gallagher


Gallagher is a special kind of Uniparty Asshole. He decided to resign from congress effective on April 19th. By waiting until then he is helping of the Dems and the Uniparty to take control of the House by election day. In an election year, Wisconsin law requires a special election to be held if the vacancy occurs before the first Tuesday in April. So if this D-Bag was a stand up guy, he would resign by the end of March. This way his constituents could be represented until the end of the term. If not he reduces the Republican majority by 1. My question to this ivy league prick is, why did you announce this so early? You could have slow played it until after the deadline and lessened the kerfuffle. Now that it is out, you have a choice to make, either stick it to your voters, the Republican Party, Trump and the conservative citizens of this nation and leave on the 19th or…

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