Apple TV+’s ‘Suspicion’ Starring Uma Thurman


There is a scene in the first episode of Suspicion, Apple TV+’s latest overly prolonged thriller, that unintentionally demonstrates the series’s inflated sense of self. Irish-accented bad guy Sean Tilson (Elyes Gabel) — whether he’s just an assassin or also a terrorist is unclear, but Suspicion loves to position nonwhite characters as dangerous, so who can say? — is flying first class back to Belfast, and heads into the plane’s bathroom before disembarking. While staring into the mirror, he reverses his jacket, peels off his beard and mustache, puts on a ratty-looking wig and pair of glasses, and fills in a scar on his face with concealer. It is a hilariously basic disguise, but Suspicion treats it like a scene out of the exponentially superior The Americans, in which Suspicion

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