Anti-Israel Protesters Firebombed Building at U.C. Berkeley

Pro-Palestinian protesters reportedly firebombed “the side of a building” on the University of California Berkeley (UCB) campus and claimed that students had been “attacked” on another campus.

In a post on Instagram on Thursday, Palestine Action in the United States shared a post from an anonymous user who claimed responsibility for firebombing  the side of Koshland Hall, a building at UCB that houses “labs from the Department of Molecular & Cell Biology.”

The post included a screenshot of a notice that had been written by an author, “student intifada,” on the San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center website. In the post the author wrote that students at the University of California Los Angeles “were attacked” and in response, anti-Israel protesters “retaliated” by setting off a firebomb on the side of Koshland Hall.

“Not sure what building…

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