Anti-Israel DNC Protesters Attack Chicago Pregnancy Center


Anti-Israel protesters defaced a pro-life pregnancy resource center in Chicago late Thursday night after the close of the Democratic National Convention.

Vandals painted “Fake clinic” and “The real dead babies are in Gaza” in red spray paint on the entrance to the center, and put cement in the locks so employees couldn’t get into the building and see clients, Mary FioRito, an Aid for Women volunteer and advisory board member, told The Daily Signal.

The attack, which took place the final night of the Democratic convention in Chicago, comes after Planned Parenthood offered free abortions and vasectomies to attendees outside the stadium. At least 25 unborn babies were reportedly killed in the mobile abortion truck.

There have been at least 92 attacks against pregnancy resource centers, not including this one, since the overturn of Roe v. Wade, according to

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